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Christmas Shoebox Campaign 2018

Big news for Christmas 2018: We are starting our own Santa Campaign

Edit: See how our campaign went.

In 2018 we applied for Santa Shoebox again as we did in 2017 successfully. Short info: Santa Shoebox is an organization which collects shoeboxes with presents from individuals and gives them to children in need. Last year we only asked for 500 boxes and got 700 pieces. In 2018 we hoped to get 3500, because our numbers of children expanded so incredibly fast. Unfortunately, Santa Shoebox didn’t have the capacities to supply us this year  😥 . But we want our children to be happy during Christmas time…

That’s why we will be our own Santa this year!

Together with many corporate partners in Soweto and surroundings we want to stem this challenge and prepare 3500 present boxes to make this Christmas really special for all our beneficiaries. That is why we need your help! 

There are three major aspects where we need support:

  • donations of the boxes content
  • help with packing boxes
  • financial support to compensate gaps in content supply

How does it work?

  1. Companies and big donors are asked to take part in our Christmas Shoebox Survey: (in the survey we will ask questions on how you can support us). Private donors please read the FAQ at the bottom  🙂 .
  2. We will evaluate the results and make a plan about who is responsible for what
  3. We will contact our parners and tell them exactly what they can do to help (within their capabilities)
  4. All boxes will be compiled, packed (in a big community event) and stored until the end of November
  5. We will distribute the boxes to our children


Can I support you as a private donor?

Yes you can and we appreciate your help a lot. Please use the information provided in the donations box at the bottom of the page. If you want to volunteer and help you can also contact us through:

When will we hear back from AMMISH?

We will collect all the information from different partners and make a plan who will cover which gender and age group. As soon as we are done with that we will tell you exactly what we need from you.

When should we have our items ready at the latest?

Ammish needs all the items at the end of October. If you’re faster – awesome!

How can we contact AMMISH if further questions arise?

You can use the contact information on our contact page:

Can we receive a tax deductible donation receipt?

Yes of course you can! We are an acknowledged NPO and can issue donation receipts. Please write a separate email after your donation that we can issue your receipt.

We have chosen to pack boxes ourselves, can you tell us the approximate value of the items?

All items together should be around R250 upwards to insure the quality and fairness of the presents.

Will my company benefit from this campaign?

We hope that the good cause of the campaign is enough reward for you. But of course, every partner will be credited on our website, social media and in the newspapers.